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Why do you need Maxxeed?

Your marketing team is frustrated, your salespeople are blocked and your customers are bored.

Stop that now!

Your marketing team wants sales to finally use the latest content

Frustrated Marketing Team!

65% of the content created by marketing is not used by sales - this is frustrating. 

Your salespeople want more time for selling

Blocked Salespeople!

19% of time is wasted by your sales team searching for and creating content and in only 41% of their time they sell - sales are blocked.

Your buyers expect inspiration and differentiation, not a boring monotony

Bored Customers!

Your communication with the buyer occurs in multiple disconnected emails, text messages, or PowerPoints - that is boring. 

We solve that!

"How cool would it be if I could just drop in my colleague's customer use case for my new prospect in seconds."

"Sales enablement would be much more effective if I could see and leverage the approach of my colleagues."

"AI has to be simple and quick to really be used in my everyday work."

Your sales team focuses on the buyer and on selling.

Marketing will be twice as efficient!

Intelligent Interaction
Centered communication directly on the buyer's needs.

One Fluid Sales Motion
Frictionless, simplified and consistent, for all parties involved

Person who enjoys sales efficiency and delighted customers.

Mutual North Star for marketing, sales and buyers.

Professional Presentation
Professional appearance through automated quality.

Excited Customers
Tailored and inspiring Next Level B2B Buyer Experience.

High Close Rate
Exceed buyer expectations - beat the competition.

We deliver that!

"We requested information from vendors and expected emails. Your showroom was a surprise to all of us. You made quite an impression with that."

Strategic Purchaser, Manufacturing Industry Target customer of a Maxxeed user

Sales and marketing who are happy to have a new customer

Free up your sales & marketing teams time by removing unnecessary and inefficient tasks and support them with a smart tool. These are the conditions under which your team perform at their best and are empowered to focus on exceeding customer expectations. Enable yourself to quickly create strong relationships that last.

After all, if your buyers feel you understand them and are impressed, you have found the key to their hearts.

Customer loyalty and more revenue will naturally follow. It’s the only way.

Strong sales team = Strong company.

That's why professionals choose Maxxeed!