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Excite your buyers in 30 seconds!

Maxxeed AI turns your sales information into a stunning Digital Sales Room.
Fast, unique and memorable.
Beat your competition!  Win deals faster!  Maximize your commission!

Faster than reading this webpage | Free forever
Buyer Excitement Automation Platform

Trusted by customer centered teams everywhere

  • IntraFind AG
  • asioso GmbH
  • Comsol Unternehmenslösungen AG
  • Niebling GmbH
  • VANTAiO GmbH & Co. KG
  • kompaktwerk GmbH

Recognize this problematic reality in sales?
This is your golden opportunity

Turn the problematic reality in sales to your advantage
  • Most Sales Leaders and Business Deciders don't know a way to differentiate effectively in order to outperform their competition.
  • The majority of sales managers struggle to equip their sales teams with the  right skills for today and tomorrow.
  • Many salespeople only do the bare minimum, struggle to explain customer-specific value and don't know what else could be done to secure the deal.
  • Most sales software won't be used by salespeople because it's too complex and too much work to use it.
  • Your buyer doesn´t engage with email, it's extremely inefficient, impersonal and not suitable for creating the success factor: Trust!

That results in:
Win rates of 30% are the painful average, and a shocking 70% of cost of sales does not result in revenue. Importantly, 78% of buyers want a better experience too.

Let´s turn these conditions to your advantage!

"I send showrooms instead of emails because it's quicker and better appreciated."

Let your dreams come true in 30 seconds

Delighted users who are impressed by the possibilities of the software

You are in sales or marketing and you would love to:

  • have an AI Autopilot for customized customer touchpoints?
  • show real personal commitment?
  • start building trust from the very first contact?
  • stand out from the competition?
  • become more successful now?

Start loving!

Just answer two questions.

Maxxeed Assistant asks you what you want to sell and to whom.

That's it.

AI Assistant asking two questions
Digital Sales Room capabilities and design

You will be rewarded with a stunning Showroom!

Hyper-personalized for your buyer, equipped with:

  • Greeting, Summary, Value Proposition
  • Digital Business Card
  • Use Case / Scenario
  • Mutual Action Plan
  • Branding and Images
  • Communication and Real-Time Analytics
  • Proven Sales Methodology
  • And much more!

No more useless work, wasted time, boring and disconnected emails.
Turn all your sales information and buyer interactions into a fascinating and enjoyable experience.
Win deals with the competitive edge that salespeople need and buyers love.

"Maxxeed creates a showroom faster than you write an email."

While your competitor is still thinking about the subject of his email, you are already done. With a Showroom freed from the frustrations of PowerPoint and email. Show personality, build trust, excite your customer. Help them buy.

Your AI Autopilot for Buyer Excitement

Answer two questions or select your deal or contact from CRM. Maxxeed uses data intelligently to create a unique showroom for your buyer.

Enjoy prebuild look and feel, automatic content creation and selection, orchestration and feature enrichment, to address buyers needs and succeed.

Exceed expectations by providing everything and more in one place to make sales interactions simple, enjoyable and exciting for your customer, your team and you.

Uses different content and data to create an impressive virtual Showroom
Sales software with focus on your buyers

Built for professionals

  • Strengthen the focus of marketing.
  • More than double efficiency.
  • >> More time for selling!

Differentiate yourself and inspire your buyers with smart interaction.

Increase closing rate
Supercharge revenue

"The showroom helps us a lot to get all stakeholders and departments on board and reduces the effort to prepare information internally. We didn't achieve that with closed user groups, virtual workspaces and collaboration tools."

Project Lead, Automotive (OEM) Target customer of a Maxxeed user

Boosted results that could be yours

+56%  Faster Team Onboarding

+422%  Higher ABM Open Rate

+24%  Higher Deal Size 

Person who is delighted about the Maxxeed Showrooms

Feel the Maxxeed experience